Empowering Public Safety to Tackle AI with DELOREAN

Data Evaluation for Law Officers Reviewing Emerging AI Needs (DELOREAN) is a free self-assessment framework designed for public safety professionals to evaluate their agency's use of AI. Our tools help you enhance decision-making, improve safety, and foster transparency in your operations.

DELOREAN was premiered at the 2024 International Association of Crime Analysts conference in Las Vegas, NV.


Laptop and notepad

AI Learning Opportunities

Facilitate your learning and development with key AI related training and courses. The learning opportunities cover topics ranging from AI fundamentals to applied machine learning to generative AI usage.

12 Visualizations to help you understand AI

Course: AI Fundamentals for Public Servants by Apolitical

Course: AI for Beginners by Microsoft

Course: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python by Harvard

gray coupe on road in focus photography

DELOREAN Self-Assessment for AI Tools

Evaluate your potential or current use of AI technologies and identify critical insights. Our framework provides a structured approach to understanding AI capabilities in public safety contexts, whether dealing with existing technologies or procuring new ones.

“Saints don’t live on Park Avenue.”

Crime Nerd GPT

Experiment with a GPT model setup for crime analysis. Input public or non-sensitive data or ask informative questions to explore the analytical capabilities of a crime analyst focused GPT.

*Registering a free ChatGPT account is required for use.

FAKE News – Deepfake Graffiti. Leica R7 (1994), Summilux-R 1.4 50mm (1983). Hi-Res analog scan by www.totallyinfocus.com – Kodak Portra 160 (expired 2014)

Can you spot AI content?

Take the SlightEngine test to see how well you can distinguish between real and AI-generated images. Some are definitely easy, but some may be harder than you think.

Hate to read? Get the (AI) Podcast!

This podcast is not real. The content and voices were entirely generated using AI tools.

Slides from the original conference presentation were uploaded to the AI tool Slidespeak.co to extract content and themes into text. The extracted PPT notes, text from this website, and conference presenation summary were ingested into NotebookLM to create a custom AI model trained on my conference presentation. NotebookLLM then genertaed a faux converation based on the source materials, which was published as a podcast via PodBean. PodBean has additional AI features but I ran out of time before I could test them.

Looking for a copy of the presentation?

Click below to download the slides from the 2024 IACA presentation "Bits, Bots, and Beyond: Everything you ever wanted to know about AI"

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of AI applications can be assessed with the DELOREAN self-assessment framework?

The framework can be used to assess various AI applications in public safety, including predictive policing, facial recognition, automated reporting, and more.

Is there a cost associated with using the DELOREAN self-assessment?

No, the self-assessment framework is completely free to use for all public safety professionals.

Who can benefit from using the DELOREAN self-assessment for AI tools?

The self-assessment framework is beneficial for public safety professionals, including law enforcement agencies, emergency services, and other public safety organizations looking to implement or assess AI technologies.

How does the self-assessment work?

The self-assessment framework provides a structured approach that guides users through a series of questions and criteria to evaluate their current or future use of an AI tool. The assessment helps to identify strengths and weaknesses, and may highlight areas for improvement. The assessment is entirely contained within a single Microsoft Excel file and can be modified.

Who Created this bizarre site and DELOREAN?

This code, content, and design of this website was primarily AI generated using the soloist.ai service. DELOREAN was created by AI with input from both OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude. You can think of this approach as an Adversarial Assessment Framework, which pits AI against AI in developing and applying the DELOREAN framework. All other human-made efforts were completed by Chris Cruz.

Can I license or reuse the DELOREAN self-assessment or any part of it?

DELOREAN is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 International.

You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.

Under the following terms:

  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.